LOL What a title!! I found out that the searches hit on the title more so I have been trying to squeeze more in there. LOL
First, 4Shared issues. Is anyone else having them? I can’t seem to download some things, and others I need to try a few times. It’s almost like the zip files are empty because when I download they’re like zipping (haha pun not really intended) through them and then there’s nothing to extract. I dumped my cookies thinking maybe that would help but it didn’t. And so I finally downloaded an add on “Down them all” for firefox, which helps…at least when they are getting “caught up” I can pause and restart them…so for the first time in a few days I was able to download my scrappy things! woo hoo!
Paranormal State is on and it has been freaking me out lately. I get to where I can feel the fear in my body…it sucks and I cannot tell my husband, he gets off on that kind of thing. He thinks it’s SOOO funny that I get scared. The jerk! lol…so then he tries to scare me for the rest of the night. Ugh. I hate that.