Oh Harry Potter…I’ve missed you.
I was SO excited to see this movie! I couldn’t wait…how that’s different than any other Harry Potter movie? LOL It’s not. But this movie was SUPPOSED to come out LAST year!! So we waited extra long for this movie!!
I can’t help but feel a little bit let down. I know the books are HUGE and it’s a lot of stuff to cram into a movie. I get that. However, I still feel like there was SO much missing from this movie!
Now, I’ll admit, I’ve been vamp crazy lately and have lost some of my Harry Potter knowledge, I mean when we got out I was totally confusing book 5 with 6 and can’t even remember how book 7 even started! I need #7 on audio so I can listen to it. I don’t think it’s out on audio at all yet! And omg, do I ever need to relisten to #6!
Ok…to the movie…
HP fans…is it me, or was there MORE to the whole Harry/Ginny thing in the book?? WHY didn’t they show that? Instead we get this flirty sexual tension that I HATE and could do without. And Ron and Hermoine too…I know that’s what this book had in it and it was about, but I KNOW HP and GW do end up kissing more than ONCE!
And didn’t Dumbledore and Harry go searching for more Horcruxes than just the one? Or were they just memories? Like we saw 2 memories…but didn’t Harry see a lot more?
See, it’s again, there’s not a lot of time in a movie VS a book. Unfortunately. But still…was it me or was A LOT missing?
Like they started out ok…and then RUSHED through the rest? The end came so quickly that I was like…HUH? That’s IT?
I HATE HATE HATE when movies end like that!!!!!
And……………………WHERE WAS VOLDEMORT??? Was he totally missing in the book???? Is that EVEN possible?? Sure, there was a young Voldemort in Tom Riddle…who, BTW was a little cutie, but where was the scary serpenty villian we all hate? And while I’m talking about villians…let’s talk DRACO MALFOY, shall we? Was he or was he not the sad, tortured, torn bad guy…like he had this HORRIBLE task to do but he didn’t WANT to do it…wait…that would be killing Dumbledore! heh Oh, and Draco SO reminded me of Edward Cullen…mmmmmm Edward…
No, not in looks but in the way he was so sad and conflicted. Poor widdle Malfoy!
Ok…so maybe I’m being a little too harsh. Was it a good movie? Of COURSE!
It was a little funny, which was a refreshing change…and ok, the teenage sexual tension was cute…in an annoying cutesy sort of way. and OMG…the pygmy puff was ADORABLE! And Luna…what a hoot that girl is!
OMG and the Quidditch match was AWESOME!! great effects on that one! Thumbs up for that one!
The movie had it’s good and bad points. It’s Harry Potter, if you read the books, you KNOW how it’s gonna end. It was happy, sad, and even had a point in it where I jumped out of my seat. There was action, love, drama, and it wasn’t as “dark” as the past few have been. Although I am a little disappointed, I loved it. It’s Harry Potter…again…it’s Harry Potter!
I give it: