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Blog Like You Mean It
| By Heidi | Filed Under: family, life | Leave a Comment
| By Heidi | Filed Under: life | Leave a Comment
I’m coming off the longest week ever! I’m SO glad it’s finally Friday!
I started getting sick on Friday of last week. Was sick ALL last weekend…passed it to the husband even… I’m finally now, a week later, feeling better…so there’s where the week started out.
Then we moved to a different floor at work.
I’ve worked on the same floor since I’ve worked there (14 years just about) so I know nothing but the floor I’ve been on. Sure, I’ve moved around ON that floor, but never have I worked on a different floor. Probably not a big deal for most, but I have a really hard time dealing with change, so you know this all stresses me to HELL. The desks are way different, I actually have to have a neighbor…etc.
So there’s that. And then…for some stupid reason, all of technology has decided that I am its nemesis and has decided to fail me in every way possible.
First, my Blackberry died. Fried. Dead. Had a funeral and a burial. A new one should come either tomorrow or Monday.
How did I manage this? I was updating the Blackberry Messenger…FROM THE DAMN BLACKBERRY SITE!!!! UGH!
So it started there. I got this white screen of death and the Blackberry was no more. Thank GOD I have a back up phone so I’m not completely naked. I don’t even know half the numbers in my phone!
What sucks though is I lost ALL my apps (thank God also for memory cards!) and they will all need to be reloaded. So stupid.
Moving day at work was yesterday. I spent the morning unpacking and setting my desk up. The techs came to hook up my computer while I was on break and when I got back they informed me that my computer won’t turn on. Nice.
Called the help desk and ended up giving them the WRONG phone number and without a cell phone, they couldn’t get a hold of me and I missed their call at noon. I called for a ticket status and gave them my cell number for them to call me today.
They called me this morning and came and fixed my computer. YEAH! I sat down, logged on and got things situated and THE COMPUTER DIED AGAIN!!!
Before this moment in my day I also managed to crash my web browser twice, try to hook up my friend’s printer and botched that so she couldn’t print and for some reason the question website form thingie we use at work is not working for me. Me. Just me.
The tech was still on the floor after the computer died the 2nd time so I went and told him that it died again. He came back and said he’d need to order the part and it’s gonna be another day – at least. Nice.
Then the tech and another tech came over and decided to test the electricity. My lines are all fine, the cord is fine…everything is fine and working well.
I am not sure when technology decided I was the enemy and turned against me. Some warning would have been nice…and an explanation. I’m SO pro-technology! I love technology. I do.
I was afraid to get on my computer last night. I’m surprised my iPod is still working, and that my old Blackberry hasn’t blown up yet.
I think my juju is right again…the planets have realigned and all is well in the universe. I am hoping it stays that way…
and again… I ♥ technology dammit!!!! No more messed up technology juju!!!!!!!
| By Heidi | Filed Under: twilight | Leave a Comment
I read the Twilight Lexicon blog on a daily basis and follow a few different Twilight people on Twitter and found this site today:!!
Here are a few…all of Rob, of course. There are some nice ones of Taylor as well…but I’m a Team Edward girl…so…
Check em out!