What are you doing New Year’s Eve?
Me? Hopefully I am spending it with my husband watching movies or playing video games and watching the ball drop.
I’m ready for 2011 to be over.
So many possibilities for 2012!!
Happy New Year everyone!
Blog Like You Mean It
| By Heidi | Filed Under: holidays | Leave a Comment
What are you doing New Year’s Eve?
Me? Hopefully I am spending it with my husband watching movies or playing video games and watching the ball drop.
I’m ready for 2011 to be over.
So many possibilities for 2012!!
Happy New Year everyone!
I have a blog that I’ve tried to write a few times but I need some more time to get my thoughts together so that will have to wait. In the meantime, I saw something called a Smash* Journal on Instagram. It looks super cool, like a scrapbook without all the scrapbooking skills. Basically, you just throw stuff together! I can SO do that.
So I sent the husband looking for one at Barnes and Noble, but I think I’ll need to order one online…which I will be doing in the near future!
Anyway, when I was googling Smash* Journal I came across a link that had this page that simply said, “currently” on it and then had 10 categories and things written afterwards. Very similar to the 10 things I’m loving posts that I do, but a little different. So, I’ve decided to steal borrow this idea and write a blog about it. I may do this every now and then like I do the 10 things posts.
So here goes…
I’m not really listening to anything, but more like watching…and I’m watching the movie Julie and Julia on Lifetime. I have this movie on DVD. I really like it, I thought it was a cute movie! The Holiday is on next. Another movie I thought was cute! (I may need to change that to “watching” because I am usually not listening to anything.
Buitoni whole wheat 3 cheese tortellini pasta with butter
Coke Zero
Light blue t-shirt with Eeoyre on it (and is huge on me!), navy loungey pants, navy socks, slippers and a red really soft, warm jacket. I am always FREEZING!
I am feeling pretty good, considering – more on this in a later blog. I’m definitely feeling full too!
It’s 25 degrees here in my part of the mitten. We don’t have any snow on the ground, but it is cold!!
This can be ridiculous stuff right? LOL Like Easy Feet from the TV commercial I JUST saw? LOL Actually, I’d love a Smash* Journal in red since there is no purple. There are other things I want but again, we’ll get into that later. – sorry
Another one that I probably can’t get into right now. Material type things, I need new tennis shoes, a microwave, vacuum – asking me what it’s like not having a proper vacuum with 6 animals running around the house!!
My mind is so full – again, don’t want to get into it right now, unfortunately – that I really don’t know where to start with this one.
I am enjoying all my new Christmas goodies, my new purse (in Plum Petals) – a Vera Bradley! And I am just enjoying life right now!
(Photo by my Mother. Taken at William Beaumont Hospital, South Tower)
My husband told me a lie today. We were driving either to or from Target, or maybe we were even IN Target, I don’t remember those details but I do know that he lied.
He’s a big fibber, that husband of mine. His pants were totally on fire!
Wanna know what he said?
He said that Christmas was a WEEK away!!
Now, that’s a lie.
Christmas is 12 days away! Twelve whole days!
We argued back and forth about it for a little bit. I, of course, won because he was just plain WRONG.
12 days is soon enough!
Don’t make it any sooner, plz!!!
Huggs from the girl who hasn’t started even shopping yet,