November cannot get here fast enough!!
The end.
Blog Like You Mean It
| By Heidi | Filed Under: twilight | Leave a Comment
November cannot get here fast enough!!
The end.
| By Heidi | Filed Under: causes, soapbox | Leave a Comment
The details of this day are fuzzy now.
I was at work and I know my husband – then fiancé – dropped off my sister, nephew, and I. We were living with my sister and nephew at the time.
We can listen to radios at my job and I remember someone saying that a plane flew into one of the World Trade Center buildings. I want to say the person was listening to Howard Stern and he was talking about it.
Anyway, I turned on my little TV – totally against the rules at work, but convenient for listening to TV channels before the whole digital TV thing recently – and saw the horror that was 9/11.
I remember people gathering at people’s desks watching mini tv’s in awe. We were talking throughout the section giving updates.
“OMG, another plane hit the other tower!”
“The first tower collapsed!!!”
“The second tower collapsed!!!”
“What is going on?”
During this time my husband called or texted or something and said he was coming to get me. He was really freaked out and frantic.
I don’t know what time it was, but my job let us go home. My job NEVER closes so we knew it was serious!!!
I think they said something like go home and spend the time with your families.
The parking lot was a madhouse and everyone was rushing to leave. I remember not being able to find my sister and getting my nephew from daycare.
It was all kind of a blur and surreal.
Once we got home, we were glued to the TV. The footage was non-stop!
We learned of the terrorists, the people jumping from the building (how horrible), the crashes of the other planes, and of just how many people perished in the towers.
I remember seeing the planes fly into the buildings over and over again. I remember seeing the towers fall again and again. Whatever channel you watched, there was footage about the attacks on.
I remember my sister having nightmares that night about terrorists.
I didn’t feel totally safe anymore.
Things will never be the same as they were before that day. We have been at war for 10 years.
Thousands of military have lost their lives. We got the bad guy, but still the war on terrorism goes on.
Today we remember those who lost their lives in the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Gone but never forgotten.
In remembrance,
| By Heidi | Filed Under: sugarbetes | Leave a Comment
I’ve never participated in a walk before.
This one just happened to be coming up soon after my diagnosis and it’s going to be at the Detroit Zoo and I haven’t been there in YEARS!!! So I asked my husband if he’d like to do it and he said “yes” and so did my mom and nephew.
So we’re going to be walking.
We will be gathering donations and walking to help Stop Diabetes.
I am asking for your help. By making a donation on my behalf, you will be helping the Association provide community-based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure.
Why help me Stop Diabetes? There are 25.8 million Americans living with diabetes, a disease that is outpacing heart disease, cancer and AIDS. If we don’t act now, one in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime.
My mother, father, sister (gestational), aunt, and brother-in-law have diabetes. My grandfather and great grandmother also had diabetes. And now I also have diabetes. Many of my friends have family members who have diabetes or they have it themselves.
I believe that my participation in this year’s Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes can and will make a difference. Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes is one of the Association’s biggest fund raisers. With the help of people like you, the American Diabetes Association can raise over $20 million to help Stop Diabetes.
(That’s the Artic Circle of life up there ^^ I’ve never seen that! Last time I went to the zoo they were building this!)
Please help me reach my goal and go to my Web Page at, to make a secure, 100% tax deductible donation.
My goal is not large ($200.00) and I am halfway there now. Even a small amount will make a difference. And it would mean the world to me.
If you do donate and have a cause that is looking for donations, I will match your donation with a donation of my own to your cause. Leave me the information in your comments and I will get back with you.
Together we can Stop Diabetes. One step at a time.
Thank you for your consideration and support!
*For photo credits, click on the photos*