So, go now…check her store out!!! And join her forum!
Why haven’t you clicked yet? lol
Blog Like You Mean It
| By Heidi | Filed Under: scrappy | Leave a Comment
So, go now…check her store out!!! And join her forum!
Why haven’t you clicked yet? lol
| By Heidi | Filed Under: family, scrappy | Leave a Comment
These templates are a freebie and they are by Lori. You can find them on her blog.
What an AWESOME idea! I know what everyone is going to get from my hubby and I this christmas. Especially his mom and mine, and my BIL in Australia, oooh and my sister too!
The good thing is that you can dress them up, put little “icons” like a heart for valentine’s day, a cake for birthdays, etc. How cool is that? and original too! Who doesn’t love a little personalized gift like that.
And it will cost probably less than 10.00 a piece! That will be at least 4 gifts out of the way. I’m sure as soon as people see them, more will want them too!
Here’s one I did for October, 2009 just to show an example.
I know those credits aren’t great…sorry. I was just searching for bday stuff through my files, so they came from where I said, but I don’t know who made them. I’ll go back and correct it later.
Anyways…that’s my example, We have 3 birthdays in October and actually my wedding anniversary is in Oct too on the 28th, which is also my hubby’s bday…so I usually put a cake or something. I should make it all about my anniversary though! LOL We’ve been married for 6 years…geez, and it will be 7 this year! Wow…I say wow because we had some really rough patches in the beginning. But things are great now.
So those little calendars will be presents this year. I’ll have them printed at Costco and then get a frame. It will be great! I just KNOW they will love them!
I need to leave Lori a comment on her blog if I haven’t already.
She also has some other great templates. I’m really a template girl. I’m so new to digi with Photoshop and the templates really help me. I definitely jumped right in though!
I’m still doing wedding things. I’m frantically printing the programs and then Friday, which is also my sister’s birthday, we’re going to dinner for her and then we are going back into the sweat shop to fold these programs and then tie little tubes of wedding bubbles on them. Fun stuff. lol
My last wedding task is to make “Robusto” lol…basically it’s noodle salad. But I call it “Robusto!” lol I either need to make it Friday morning before we go up there or cut up the veggies and then make the noodlers there. Not sure which one I’m going to do. And I’m not sure how much I need to make. Enough for 150 or so people. I will be busy!!
| By Heidi | Filed Under: scrappy | Leave a Comment
Finally I got the creative bug and made a scrappy page. This is me and my two sisters from my sister’s wedding shower earlier this month.