The Hills starts tonight! woo hoo! This is my total guilty pleasure. I love the drama. I know it’s like a high school show, but I’ve been watching it since these girls were on Laguna Beach.
Only problem with the premiere being tonight is that it interferes with Paranormal State. I think i will watch PS and then catch The Hills at 11:00 tonight. I’ll be up all night, but it’s no different than me trying to catch the Olympics all week.
I also have this weird swelling directly under my left eye. Just a little spot. I can feel it. It doesn’t hurt or anything, and nothing else is wrong. It just kind of showed up out of no where. I guess I’ll give it a couple days and see if it goes away. If not, I’ll go to the dr. I hate the dr.
I joined Audible tonight. My supervisor has been bringing me in audible books on CD for a few months now. I’ve probably listened to 20 or so at work. Most are steamy romance novels, which I must admit that I am now addicted to. They are mindless listening, not too deep, have a plot and are usually pretty quick. I’ve also listened to a couple really good books by Jodi Picoult and also Nicholas Sparks classics. So, I joined to get my own account and my own books…not that I am not 100% thankful that she’s been bringing them in for me, but just so that when I finish one of hers I can start one of mine and vice versa. I listen to them pretty quick. Especially if they are good.
I still did not clean up the kitchen or do laundry…I have an aversion to dishes. I hate them…I don’t know why. And what a fool I was to think that just because I have a dishwasher, I’d not be this way about dishes…HA! I still hate to do them. I probably always will. I should have found a man who likes to do dishes or at least will get on me to do them. I think that’s half the problem…Todd doesn’t care whether they’re done or not…so why bother doing them? So stupid, I know. BTW…that’s not a picture of my dishes…similar, but not quite. LOL
I’m sitting here half watching PS, half making my lunch for tomorrow…half talking to my friend on Yahoo Instant Messenger. she has a laptop, so she can sit there and watch and talk…me, not so much. Oh well. It is a good PS though.
Lunch tomorrow will be a yummy chicken salad with berry dressing and blueberries and grapes in it. It’s loosely based on this awesome salad my little sister makes. I love it, it’s so yummy. I may get a couple things from the cafeteria at work to add to it…croutons or sunflower seeds…something like that. Should be good.
This is totally random babbling tonight lol. Todd is asleep in the living room, I’m sitting here waiting for lunch to be done and the hills to come back on at 11:00 lol
No scrappy pages lately. I haven’t had time… 🙁 Maybe Thursday I will!