Topaz has been throwing up for the past 24 or so hours. He’s going to the vet tomorrow.
The hubbs and I are both pretty worried about him.
Good thoughts for our boy, please!!
Blog Like You Mean It
| By Heidi | Filed Under: k9epilepsy | 0 Comments
Topaz has been throwing up for the past 24 or so hours. He’s going to the vet tomorrow.
The hubbs and I are both pretty worried about him.
Good thoughts for our boy, please!!
| By Heidi | Filed Under: family, scrappy, twilight | Leave a Comment
I finished New Moon and will start Eclipse on Monday. I could easily start it today, but I can’t do anything else while I listen at home so I need to wait if I want to get things done LOL Funny, I have little problem listening at work…but my job is repetitious and I could do it in my sleep.
I listened a little last night and ended up falling asleep with it on…I woke up at like 3am and turned it off. Then I had to turn it back to when I remembered it last and lost like a whole hour. It’s ok though, I needed to go back to get the gist of the story.
I have about 5 gazillion scrappy kits to sort through and move to their proper home on my external drive. I’ve been putting it off because it’s time consuming and annoying lol But in a minute I’ll have to start unzipping them elsewhere!! LOL
I finally go around to making a scrappy page with some of the pictures from my sister’s wedding earlier this month.
This page took me a long time…I was so undecided as to what to put on there. My sister is not traditional in the least and as you can see, neither was the wedding! It was a good time though and they are really happy and I’m happy for them both!
The journaling was part of their vows. I will make other pages using other parts of their vows as well as more/different pictures. I have a few pages in mind.
Anyways…it took me WAY too long to make the page, way too long to get photoshop to cooperate and let me shrink the jpg and I’m about to go watch a moovie with the hubs. Hopefully we can agree on something…we never do with movies though! LOL
| By Heidi | Filed Under: twilight | Leave a Comment
I am sitting here with my earbuds in my ears, iPod at the ready to go lay in my room and listen to some more of this book before I go to bed tonight.
I swear, if I had the paper version, I’d be finished by now….well maybe not, but I wouldn’t sleep until I was.
I have 5 1/2 hours left of this audiobook and then it’s on to the next. I know I won’t finish it tonight…but maybe tomorrow and this weekend?? LOL
Then you know what will happen, I’ll be done with the books and be mad because I miss the story and be waiting patiently for the next one to come out. Just like with Harry Potter…each book left me feeling empty with no closure and longing for the next book to continue the story.
*sigh* I can’t help but want to rush though it…but I know the faster I listen, the sooner it will be over. I guess I could listen to them all over again…ask me how many times I’ve listened to Harry Potter books on audio. LOL A few of them I never actually “read”.
Ok…off to medicate the pup and then back to Jacob and Bella…oh and this mysterious voice of Edward. I wish he’d show his face in this book again already!!!